Ah, it's been a great week for my self-esteem and body image. I got the results from my annual blood work this week. Actually, everything (except two tests) were within normal ranges...I know, I know..."normal" is not a word usually associated with me. Anyway, my triglycerides were elevated. Who knew the "HOT NOW" sign at Krispy Kreme was so toxic!?
So I've decided to find another place to hang shirts other than my exercise bike...at least that's a step in the right direction. I also bought a Wii Fit. Now, I can take a doctor letting me have it for being overweight, but the Wii Fit....well, it's downright cruel. Before you can do anything with it, you have to let it ask you questions and then it has to weigh you to come up with a body mass index (BMI) and then it shows you a screen like this...