Sorry I've been gone "again" for so long. Spent a couple of days with my mom, her sister, and my cousin's family at Hilton Head. Had a great time. Still found time to experience God's creativity and grace in unexpected places. First, I got a chance to take a lot of pictures of some Macaws. God is quite an artist!
Glad you were able to get away for a few days! What did you think of HH? Had you been there before? Just my opinion, but HH is my least favorite, over-hyped place in SC. It's a pain to get around, very few public beaches and never found a good restaurant. For my money, give me the Charleston beaches (or even the Grand Strand) anyday! mwp
Andy, I love the picture of the Macaw. I held one in Mexico and had my picture made but the hotel lost my picture. Maybe I'll have that opportunity again.
It's 102 here today but we've been having hot weather consistently so I'm getting use to it.
I have another video clip to send you of Ethan on Jay Leno. Question--where did you get the photo of the guy with the ball and chain on his leg? I need a source for free color photos like this.
Thanks for being you for Him.
Yikes! I just re-read my comments and didn't realize how angry I sounded....must have been having a bad day! The Macaw is beautiful and I'm glad you had such a great vacation with your family (maybe I was just jealous). mwp
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