Tuesday night, our Royal Ambassadors (plus, for the first time ever...two of our Girls in Action) competed in our annual RA Race for Meals on Wheels.
It was a fierce and fun (mostly fun) evening of racing, laughter and anticipation. The real winner was our Meals on Wheels program! Grace Hardy opened the race with Charles Barnes, our RA leader. Grace was instrumental in starting the Denmark Meals on Wheels years ago, and has only been home a couple of weeks after two months of recuperation from cancer surgery (and treatments) in Charleston. It was a great boost to see her attend. Don't tell her I told you so, but she'll turn 90 next year!
Sixteen children with their little wooden cars, the help of their parents, teachers and sponsors earned $5,700.68..a new record!
It takes around $750 to feed one person for the year. I know that those new Meals on Wheels recipients will be thankful for an added reason in 2008, and for our fantastic young race drivers! (Don't forget: you can click on pictures to enlarge them!)
The kitchen was filled with laughing, thankful, happy people, showing their gratitude by sharing with others...that's the kind of thanksgiving our Lord loves! Over 250 meals were served! I pray that this kind of generosity will permeate our advent season, too.
By the way, when was the last time you met an unhappy generous person, or a really happy stingy one??
Oh, and one more thing....I'm thankful for all my blog readers, too! Don't forget to make some comments!!!!