Thursday, January 31, 2013

Caine's Arcade 2 - What a Door Handle Can Do!

Last year I posted a video from YouTube called Caine's Arcade. It is the amazing story of how one encounter between a thirty-seven-year-old filmmaker and a nine-year-old boy can become a worldwide movement benefiting children from forty countries. It all started back in 2011 when Nirvan Mullick stopped by a used auto parts store in Los Angeles look for a door handle for his 1996 Corolla. In case you are one of the very few people on the planet who hasn't se en it, you can see it here:
Recently I came across "the rest of the story" in this video. What happened to Caine in the first video was amazing and wonderful. The second video shows how the effects of Nirvan's decision to get a used door handle for his aging Corolla and a $2.00 arcade "fun pass" not only changed Caine's life, but his as well, not to mention the thousands of other lives the two of them changed! See what happened here...

The moral of the story: be aware of you own power of encouragement!!! The power of words to bring great good is still given to each individual by God to bring good to those we talk to. I love the clarity of Ephesians 4:29: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." We pick and cut up, and often fail to cease the moment to truly bless and encourage another person. Our world needs fewer complainers, and more encouraging people like Nirvan Mullick! Today, be intentional about blessing your spouse, kids, parents, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, or anyone else you can....even a kid making something special out of cardboard!

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