This will be hard to believe, but here is a picture of me and my friend Randy Trail from our seminary days a mere twenty-SIX and a half years ago. I'm the one on the left! Yes, the skinny one! (Well, I guess we were both skinny!...NOT ANY MORE!)

What else did I think? You probably know already...MAN, I'M GETTING OLD, AND FAST!!! Where did all the time go? I knew these boys' parents before they were parents, before they were married! I've kept in contact with this family as they have ministered as missionaries to Rwanda, Mauritius and Botswana. I've spent vacations with them when they were on furlough (including Disney World), and traveled to the other side of the planet to Mauritius. And now, suddenly, Ben, their oldest, is ready to graduate from college, Patrick is a freshman at Virginia Tech, and Thomas graduates high school ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM...another year, another decade flies by!
The moral? Life comes at your fast, PAY ATTENTION!!! As the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 39:4,5: "Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.
Don't overlook that SELAH...many commentators think the Hebrew word (which appears over 70 times in the psalms) means to weigh heavily that which has been other words, to pay careful attention to God's that is my wish for you all...that 2009 will a year in which you pay careful, consistent attention to God and what He says. No matter what circumstances we might face in the year ahead, we can count on God to be faithful and true, and worth paying attention to above all!!!
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