We must be careful, however, that we are not committing a "fundamental attribution error," which is basically an incomplete (and often erroneous) judgment of someone else's behavior. It involves our well-documented tendency to explain people’s behavior in terms of their character, abilities, intelligence, motives (all their "internal" stuff!) while overlooking the way that their situation (their "external" stuff) may have influenced their actions.
This error is further compounded with how our judgments of ourselves tend toward the inverse of this problem. When we do something wrong, we tend to over-emphasize the role of external forces on our lives. An example: "I cut that guy off in traffic because I was late for an important doctor's appointment. He cut me off because he's a selfish jerk." For more info on this prevalent human mechanism responsible for a fair amount of our own unhappiness, go to:
Or you could just remember the following:
Cut the other guy some slack, you don't have all the facts.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Pretty "golden" advice isn't it?)
Maybe the next time someone does something that offends you, or just bugs you, maybe a quick prayer for them would be a good idea before you let loose with your judgment. They might not be a "moron" after all!
1 comment:
Thanks, Bro Andy!
I am glad to see a teacher of the word putting Luke 6:38 in it's proper context. Too often in todays world we see that verse used to justify the prosperity gospel.
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