As if you didn't have enough reasons to doubt my sanity, here's another one... that's me in the third seat from the left, top row. (Click on image to enlarge; and no I'm not completely bald, but the sun glaring off my head makes it look that way!) I am "hanging" at the top of a 200 ft. drop...a second later, I took the plunge! I am proud to say that I rode this thing and still managed to hold on to the contents of my stomach! This video doesn't really give you a "feel" for the experience, but it can give you another reason to doubt my sanity! (WARNING: Turn your volume down some as there is a good bit of crying and screaming! I haven't heard any out right profanity so don't listen too closely! One rider sums up the experience with repeated WOW....WOR...HA HA HA!!!!)
I knew there was a reason I hated roller-coasters... I just puked on my keyboard!!
That literally gave me goosebumps on my arms and made the bottoms of my feet sweat! I am soooooo glad I didn't let you talk me into that! mwp
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