It is difficult to imagine the pain of those who lost loved ones in the horror of September 11, 2001. I am sure, however, that on this day, especially, there is the recurring pain of grief over lost parents, or spouse, or children, or friends in the destruction of the World Trade Centers, the attack on the Pentagon, and the crash of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania (which saved many more lives which could have been lost if it had not been for the courage and sacrifice of regular, ordinary people who became extraordinary in their last minutes of life!).
That spirit of sacrifice and courage was also displayed in the heroic, selfless decisions made by so many police and fireman (and others) who did not flee the World Trade Centers, but willingly went "up" in the towers, as people came "down," to save whoever they could. Their bravery and sacrifice remind us all about how we can best remember this day in history. Yes, memorials need to be built and visited, but is that the best way to remember those who died that day as the result of human hatred?
No! The best way to remember them is to never take life for granted, and to do whatever we can to love others in the Biblical way, with actions that help, and not hurt. I am amazed at how easily we overlook the power of kindness in day-to-day life to transform others for good. As anyone who knows me has heard me say countless times, quoting a s

Yes, we have to be strong against terrorism, to protect our great land, but to defeat it, we must defeat our own selfishness, too, and not allow those who hate to get us to focus on hate, too. Support our military in our fight against global terrorism, but wherever you are, I pray that you will allow the grace of God to empower you to sacrifice for a greater good; for the welfare of someone else. Christ is our ultimate

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