Yes, like most of you, I’ve been busy. I think all the funerals and special days and Easter and vacation all took a toll on this 50 year old preacher! I hope to get more regular at this posting thing. A lot has happened since I last posted. May has been a typically busy month of recognizing different groups of folks in the church. We’ve had Senior Adult Sunday first, and it was highlighted with a surprise 75
th birthday party at the lunch for Jewel, one of most faithful (and hard-working) senior adults. It was great seeing her surprised by her kids and huge family!

Our Mother’s Day service featured a guest speaker from North Augusta, who, with her husband, have been foster parents to 54 babies waiting for adoption. Yesterday was Graduate Recognition Sunday, and it just so happened that a group of Denmark High School graduates from the class of 1957 were visiting as they were here for their 50th class reunion. I asked Jimmy Gibson, who grew up in Denmark, if he’d mind saying a
few words to our four graduates, and he was very willing. That was a good thing in that two of the four graduates would have to listen to me later that day at their school’s baccalaureate.
One of the former graduates had his fully restored 1957 Chevy Bel-Air out front, so I thought it would be cool (as much as I can ever be “cool.”) to have my picture taken in it. This Sunday needs to be the “Whoever Has Already Been Recognized in May Recognition Sunday!” Still, I wonder what I can preach on to go with that? So that’s a little of what I’ve been up to!
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