For my children’s sermon yesterday, on Graduate Recognition Sunday, I was brave and brought my yet-to-be-assembled Lego Star Wars Rebel Blockade Runner model. I’m sure the visitors were impressed with a pastor who was given a Lego set for a birthday. Maybe they thought it was given to me when I was a kid. It has over 1400 pieces, and my point was that the more we learn in school, the more we have to work with in life. I compared what little you could build with just a couple of blocks to what you can build with over 1400. As expected, the kids really liked it, and quickly a couple volunteered to put it together for me. I quickly countered by pointing to the age designation on the box….”sorry, but this kit says you have to be 14 years old or older to put it together.” So I continued, but little Darby kept his hand raised. Finally I gave in…”yes, Darby, what is it?” “Well, if Star Wars was PG-13, why is this Lego 14?” I deferred to answer that probing question after the service.
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