On my way back home this past Friday, I passed through Orlanda at rush hour...in the middle of town, I was traveling between 10 and 0 MPH, and I had time to contemplate my surroundings. I noticed that several of Orlando's tallest buildings were banks, and then I notice that birds were flying around one of the banks, and they were buzzards! About thirty or so where circling and other were perched on the ledge. See for yourself...sorry for the quality, I used my cell phone:

As I've been reminding my church as of late, Christians need to be examples of hope, generosity and optimism, so we can create opportunities to share our ultimate security in Christ with those who are putting too much faith in treasures that are not secure!
Hilarious. Also enjoyed the piece about Clemson's new coach. Never have rooted for the tigers, but I can always root for a Brother.
Shared this with a friend. When they saw the scrupture reference, they gave us a modern translation of Christs Words: where moth and rust destroy, and where bankers take in you deposits and steal.
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