Photo One: This is a "moonset"(is that even a word?)...over Lake Keowee near Clemson. The camera shutter was open only a fifth of a second for the dim picture, and 30 seconds for the brighter picture. The lesson? The longer we are "opened" to the light of Christ, the more His light "collects" in our souls, hearts and minds. Or another way to put it: the more "exposure" (for all you photographers) you have to the light of Christ, the more brightly you reflect His light to those around you. Isn't the brighter picture really more interesting and engaging? How interesting and engaging and reflective of Christ's life is you. (See Colossians 2:6,7: So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.)
Photo Two: I was surprised that this shot came out. It is very difficult to get a clear pictures at night of anything without the steadying influence of a tripod. This is because the longer a camera's sensor is exposed to light, the more the sensor will blur objects in motion. Being still is essential for clear night time shots. The moonset pictures above were taken using a tripod. The lesson is clear...in our crazy, on-the-move-all-the-time lifestyles, we need to "be still" to get a clearer picture of Christ! As the Psalmist reminds us, " 10 "Be still, and know that I am God..." (46:10) You'll get a clearer picture of just how amazing your Father in Heaven is if you do!!!!

This final shot is a lunor eclipse. I took this while standing in the courtyard of my church... why the eclipse? The shadow is cast over the moon because the world is getting in the way!!!! The beauty of the full moon is dimmed when the earth passes between it and the sun...sort of like what happens to a believer when he or she allows the concerns of the world to get in between them and the light of God's love and power! His light of love and power NEVER diminishes, but distractions can get in the way, and we lose our focus. Then things will look a lot darker than they actually are! It reminds me of the parable of the seeds when some of the seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns stood for "concerns" of the world that choke out the good news of the gospel. (See Matthew 13)
Don't worry about having to remember all this, just look up and see the moon...God will remind you!

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